Immediate Byte Pro Immediate Affinity Farmacia Ortega Martinez Immediate Venture



Given the proliferation of arbitrary forms in winery architecture in recent years, we propose the simplest form: a simple elongated metal box that sits on the ground like an artifact, like a machine.

We distinguish two zones clearly: that of the wine production, the winery properly speaking, and that of the mechanization and bottling.

For the winery, we created a well-insulated and very inert box, with all of the different conditions that this space requires for the optimal fermentation of the fruit in its casks. This space has a very clear circulation diagram.

We created a very transparent box that acts as a huge display window for the elaboration and bottling area, in this way its state of the art machinery of great visual interest may be seen.

Between the two areas, a principal entrance courtyard unites the two, at the same time separating them. The upper floor of the elaboration zone is presided over the offices that act as a control bridge, open also to the courtyard. The other side is a service space.

The entire complex is flanked by two end courtyards that serve various functions. Outside, the building looks like a large metal box, as if it were a piece of large machinery. The walls and roof are resolved with a continuous skin of matte finished stainless steel panels.

Technical data

Architect: Alberto Campo Baeza. Location: Argamasilla de Alba, Ciudad Real, Spain. Client: Private. Project: 2004. Area: 3.200sqm. Collaborators: Ignacio Aguirre López, Emilio Delgado.




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