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Four new residences were needed for the personnel of the Spanish Embassy in Algiers. Located in part of the garden of the Ambassador’s Residence, the site is an elongated strip at its entrance and lowest point. The decisive factors in determining the typology were the strong slope of the small lot, and the abundance of the existing vegetation.

The program is organized in individual structures, a vertical arrangement, whose access is on the intermediate level. The ground floor, at the level of the garden, contains the living room which is in continuity with a walled courtyard. The upper floor houses the sleeping area of the family, and a rooftop terrace is formed, as from this height it enjoys a privileged view of the beautiful bay of Algiers.

The central space, in keeping with the spatial relationships developed in the Turégano House, although adopting some changes in the placement of the window openings, proposes a diagonal space tensed by a diagonal light.

Technical data

Architect: Alberto Campo Baeza. Location: Algiers, Algeria. Project: 1991. Built: 1992. Photographer: EACB.



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