2017 AUG, Project design is research, Madrid Master
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Práctica Crítica / Critical Practice
Máster en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados
Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos
Academic year 2017 / 2018
Seminar 1st Semester + 2nd Semester
4 + 4 ects
Dates MPAA9
First Semester
Starting date of s1 – 11 de Oct 2017
Ending date of s1 – 2 de Feb 2018
Second Semester
Starting date of s2 – 5 de Mar 2018
Ending date of s2 – 15 de Jun 2018
Schedule: Lunes 9:30
A Project design is a work of research
After years and years arguing that Architectural Projects constitute real works of research, now, with the subject included in the Master in Advanced Architectural Design, comes the opportunity to demonstrate this.
The guiding thread will be a series of classes based on the themes set out in the book PRINCIPIA ARCHITECTONICA, Idea, Gravity and Structure, Light and Time, and others, acting as a filter through which the proposed Projects will be analyzed. It will be a Projects-Projects Course.
And for any self-respecting architect each Project is a work of research.
Something as clear as this is not for the uninitiated, who regard an architect as someone who sketches a drawing or two, a few scribbles, and not much more. For them an architect is some clever guy who happens to solve problems in less than no time at all!
Every Project is a real task of Research. How could a Project that tries to implement an idea that is the result of an enormous amount of time and work be anything but that?
Because it is not possible to make a true Project if there is no clear idea capable of being built, capable of being put into effect.
Every Project is a real work of research. How could it not be Research?
That is why this Masters in Project Design will include Projects-Projects.
Alberto Campo Baeza.