Immediate Byte Pro Immediate Affinity Farmacia Ortega Martinez Immediate Venture

2024 june, LYCÉE FRANÇAIS DE MADRID LIBRARY under construction

On February 1st, 2024, we have started the construction works of the new Documentation and Information Center of the Lycée Français de Madrid, the library.

The new library is the most singular piece of the set of new buildings that, after winning the competition organized by this institution, we are going to raise in the next weeks.

It is a box of proportions 6x3x2 (34x15x12 m) of exposed concrete on the outside and all white, full of light, on the inside. The façade to the north is all glazed from top to bottom, doubling the glass in its two corners. And in one of the corners, the roof is also glazed, forming a trihedron of light. This trihedron is a tribute to the architect Le Corbusier, who formed a trihedron of light never repeated, in the home-studio for his friend Ozenfant in 1922.

The space of the reading room, with its double height, is overturned by the other spaces that serve it through the appropriate openings. It would be a boîte a lumière according to Le Corbusier.

We hope that our library-box, made of exposed concrete on the outside and filled with white light on the inside, will be not only very useful but also very beautiful.

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