2019 Apr, I can´t fit any more books

I can’t fit any more books on the shelves of my library, or in my studio or at home. But at the rate things are going, even the books I’ve written myself won’t fit either. These are collections of texts that I’ve written over these many years on Architecture, on Architects and on Works of Architecture. Besides, all of them have been reissued several times and in numerous languages, even in Chinese!
So now, in order to keep an accurate and orderly account of all this, we have decided to compile an INDEX LIBRORUM ACB, with the titles, dates, editions and even the ISBN, to ensure that they are well and truly indexed.
Not long ago, my colleagues informed me that my web page www.campobaeza.com had received more than 5 million visits. I still haven’t quite managed to digest the scale of the figure. I don’t believe that my books will ever match that, but I’m convinced that this index and these data will certainly help those interested in Architecture.