Immediate Byte Pro Immediate Affinity Farmacia Ortega Martinez Immediate Venture


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This house, from the same time period as the anterior, demonstrates a greater formal control of the brick volumes, each  corresponding to a diverse function.

The living room, opening a large window to the north and onto a more peaceful and controlled courtyard to the south, establishes themes of horizontal continuity further developed in later projects.  Here, as well, construction is simplified, with brick as the sole building material.  In its interior space the varying ceiling heights create an interesting game of compression and expansion conveniently underlined by light.

There is a certain influence by the work of Julio Cano Lasso, with whom the architect was collaborating at the time.

Technical data

Architect: Alberto Campo Baeza. Location: Algete, Madrid, Spain. Project: 1973. Built: 1974.



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