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To make a church in the neighbourhood of the Macarena in Seville, a city full of light.

To make a space to gather together for prayer, a holy place. Full of light and shadow, quiet and peace.

The site is a small triangle with a single party wall upon which we projected the maximum volume permitted. The triangular plan causes it to resemble a prow, emerging from the simple white volume and expressive of the building’s unique character.

Outside, the emphatic planes delimit a white prism that seems to advance. Inside, the meeting halls on the first level, in a rectangular floor plane, are hanging boxes that allow double height openings to appear through which light flows from on high. The central nave of the church is a diagonal space with a triangular floor plan, in which the light entering through the prow creates a strong focal point.

On the roof, like a box open to the sky, high walls are raised that help give greater dimension to the general volume.

A very simple white church, full of light and shadow, and quiet and peace.

Technical data

Architect: Alberto Campo Baeza. Location: La Macarena, Seville, Spain. Client: Private. Project: 2004. Area: 600sqm. Collaborators: Ignacio Aguirre López, Emilio Delgado. Structure: Andrés Rubio Morán. Quantity surveyor: Carmen López Pérez.



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