Immediate Byte Pro Immediate Affinity Farmacia Ortega Martinez Immediate Venture



The site, at the northern extreme of the city and open to the mountains, measures 100 x 100 meters. A public space, paved and with trees, is formed. A low built strip is placed as a background, and to contain service and required commercial spaces. In the center of the open space and presiding over it, is an empty concrete cylinder, capable of housing a portable bull ring that measures 60 meters in diameter and 9 meters high. Compliance with a simpler code, substantially lower costs, and many more possible uses for the space are thus achieved.

The intervention is completed by other small pieces in the corners of the site which make evident its references.

The cylindrical piece, of a clear golden concrete, is carved with diverse perforations which respond to the theme, as well as the scale, of its dialogue of intersection with the sunlight.

The whole is realized with a maximum economy of means.

Technical data

Architect: Alberto Campo Baeza. Location: Villaviciosa de Odón, Madrid, Spain. Project: 1994.




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