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Siete Lecciones de Arquitectura NEW !
Madrid, June 2023
1st edition, Spanish
ISBN: 978-84-09-51-942-2
ISSN: 2530-9072
153 pages


This book gathers the Seven Lessons on Architecture that Alberto Campo Baeza gave at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, at its headquarters in the Goyeneche Palace on Calle Alcalá in Madrid in February – March 2023, on the occasion of the awarding of the RABASF Medal of Honour to the School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

The book has a double edition, printed and digital. It contains the seven texts on which the lectures are based and a careful selection of images with the examples of architecture discussed in the classes. It also includes an interesting bibliography with recommendations of architectural theory and literature commented on by the author himself.

This book completes the series of publications that Professor Campo Baeza has produced as teaching reports of his courses at the ETSAM over the last few decades. The printed edition, plain and affordable, will be available to the public soon.

The downloadable digital edition includes all the above contents and also includes links to the videos of the lectures. It is available to all architecture students and architects. And for anyone who enjoys architecture

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