Otto meditazioni di architettura

A book by Alberto Campo Baeza and Juhani Pallasmaa. Edited by Matteo Zambelli
Beauty, Light, Time, Memory, Universality, Wisdom, Sacred and Essentiality”are the themes of the eight meditations of two enlightened architects, capable of joining Northern and Southern Europe with their wise reflections: Juhani Pallasmaa and Alberto Campo Baeza. Eight meditations on themes that transcend time and vogue. Eight meditations by two erudite architects whose readings have been assimilated and declined with respect to architecture. Eight meditations that underline how praxis must always go hand in hand with theory. Eight meditations by two architects convinced that the success of architecture is the fruit of culture and reflection.. Eight meditations that show how to be contemporary architects it is necessary to confront the past by considering it as present.