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2024 APRIL, more than 9,909,999 visits

Alberto Campo Baeza has always said that he is lucky to be surrounded by people better than him, that he is lucky to always be “on the shoulders of giants”, as Newton said.

And if he is asked about his website, his web page www.campobaeza.com, he always replies that the fact that it is doing so well is not his fault but that it is the fault of his collaborators, who are the ones who have done everything so well and who are better than him.

The website was started and designed by Emilio Delgado, and then taken over and converted to FLASH by Peter Palender. Later the page was redesigned by the best graphic designer in the world, Massimo Vignelli in New York, the creator of the Helvetica font. And then Alejandro Sevilla rewrote it in HTML5.

Well, this website has just reached 9,909,999 visits this month of April 2024, nine million nine hundred and nine thousand visits to its pages. That is almost 20,000 visits per week, as attested by Analytics. These are dizzying figures that the head does not easily assimilate.

Not long ago the Campo Baeza Studio celebrated more than 60,000 followers on Instagram. And along the same lines, they also celebrated the more than 700 references in the UPM Digital Archive.



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