2023 april, Alberto Campo Baeza, Doctor Honoris Causa from USI, Università della Svizzera italiana, in mendrisio

Presided by Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni, Deputy Rector, and Prof. Walter Angonese, Dean Director of the School of Architecture of Mendrisio, of the USI, Universitá della Svizerà italiana, on Saturday, May 6, 2023, Alberto Campo Baeza was awarded a Doctor Honoris Causa from the School of Architecture of this university, during the Dies Academicus ceremony in Lugano.
Alberto Campo Baeza’s relationship with Mendrisio School of Architecture goes back a long way. There he has given lectures in 2007, 2014 and 2019, and some project review sessions.
Alberto Campo Baeza is Doctor Honoris Causa from Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid 2018, from Universidade Lusiada de Lisboa, 2020, and from Universidad Nacional de Rosario in Argentina, 2020.
Professor Campo Baeza would like to thank them for such a distinction, which he describes as “a result of this University’s generosity rather than his own merits”.