Immediate Byte Pro Immediate Affinity Farmacia Ortega Martinez Immediate Venture


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We are working with new LED façade techniques, with the ability to show the outside from the inside and, being transparent, allow natural light to pass through. What today’s technology can do! From the outside, the façade will be an extraordinary means of communication.

With this technique we have made the façade of the new ARQUIA office in Reyes Católicos street in BURGOS. We have covered the entire 9×6 m façade with a screen that is constantly moving and emitting messages. Messages from Arquia, or whatever Arquia wants.

As it is necessary to enter the office, and to have an ATM on the façade, the façade-screen is cut into pieces containing these functions. From the street it looks like a SINGLE screen. From the inside you can see the outside, the street.

The space is elongated from the street façade to a courtyard garden at the back. It is conceived as an elongated, empty space, with a strip of services on one side, the side of the strip with the entrance door, where the services and the staircase, the lift and the storerooms are integrated. On the first floor, in the final, expanded space, a multifunctional space is located.

Where necessary, more private spaces will be created.

It is as simple as that.

Technical data

Architect: Alberto Campo Baeza. Location: Burgos, España. Client: Arquia Bank S.A.. Project: 2022. Built: 2023. Area: 400sqm. Collaborators: Ignacio Aguirre López, Alfonso Guajardo-Fajardo Cruz, Alejandro Cervilla García, Àngels Cañellas Genius, Juanjo Sánchez Rivas. Structure: Andrés Rubio Morán. Engineering: Francisco Armesto Parra. Quantity surveyor: Roberto García Sierra. Contractor: ParqueNorte Infraestructuras (Alberto Julián Gutiérrez y Luis Ángel Pérez Peraita) .





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