Immediate Byte Pro Immediate Affinity Farmacia Ortega Martinez Immediate Venture

2020 Haro House, La Rioja

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We’d like to build the loveliest house in the world. And the most affordable, and the simplest. A real house and home, good and cheap, as they used to say long ago.

The land is devilishly steep. It’s 30m long, and there’s a ten-metre difference in elevation over those 30 metres.

The most logical solution is to terrace the house. The views are very beautiful, so we proceed to the highest part of the plot. There we build just one floor, with two bedrooms and a bathroom, which internally extends into a platform that is an open corridor leading to the living room via the stairs. Beneath this platform is a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom, with a floor that continues onto another terrace platform outside.

In total there are 4 strips measuring 10 m wide, giving a total of 170 m2.

Structurally it is designed with parallel retaining walls every 4 m.

The house will be built with simple masonry walls typical of the location. The sloping roof, as indicated in the regulations, will be made with inclining solar panels used to cover the roof in the form of tiles.

The house will seem to have been there forever. That is our intention.

Technical data

Architect: Alberto Campo Baeza. Location: Zorraquín, La Rioja. Client: Private. Project: 2020. Area: 96sqm. Collaborators: Ignacio Aguirre López, Alejandro Cervilla García, María Pérez de Camino Díez, Alfonso Guajardo-Fajardo Cruz, David Vera García, Fernando Collantes.




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